Thank you!
The Valley Nature Center is an organization that exists because of been a dedicated group of individuals, business, and organizations who have come together for 40 years to help fulfill our mission. Founding volunteers turned a "vacant lot" in the middle of Weslaco into what it is today. Without their vision, their hard work, and without the financial support of many, that vacant lot might well be the site of an apartment complex today. Instead it is a green gem in the middle of the city that is now playing a significant part in educating both residents and visitors about the South Texas native landscape and the rich assortment of wildlife that it supports. It is a safe place for kids and families to explore the wild!
VNC Partnering Organizations
We are grateful to all the organizations that help us accomplish our mission!
Thank you to our Sponsors.
For more information on how to become a partnering organization or sponsor
please contact Executive Director, Hollie Johnston
What Clients Say About Us
I couldn't believe the wonderful sites and sounds I found at the Valley Nature Center. It was like stepping into nature in the middle of the city, so convenient to get to... I will be back a lot more... N. Wright